Friday, August 20, 2010

How I got into building bicycle frames.

Some time around 2005-2006 I decided I'd had it with off the rack, mass produced frames. Astonishingly, even after forking up several thousands of dollars for a frame, I was not impressed with what I was being sold. Apparently high quality, high performance, real world bicycles had gone out of fashion. Rather than wait for the situation to change, I decided to design and build the kind of frames I wanted to ride, plain and simple.

My background in Motion Capture and Visual Effect has given me considerable experience with bio-mechanics. Precisely measuring and mapping human motions for years has helped me understand how to fit bicycles with very good results. It’s very helpful to have full 3D visualizations of the bicycles in relationship to the rider before I start the physical build process

I spent years building up fabrication skills. I still consider every day to be a huge learning experience. Now I have a modest shop with a jig and an alignment table as well as a small paint booth. With this basic set up I can design, build and paint your bike from scratch.

The focus for me is to provide a better match between rider and frame than you will find elsewhere. It’s a challenge I’m proud to take on every day.